

Free WIMDI Career & Leadership Videos

Ever wished you had a cadre of career and leadership fairy godmothers who could wave their magic wand and bestow you with brilliant, career-ladder-climbing insights?

Wish granted! WIMDI's amazing video library is a compendium of every helpful thing our speakers have said in our webinars over the years. Check it out and have yourself a little multi-hour YouTube bingewatching session!

How to Lead Change (Without Inspiring a Mutiny)

Amy Au

Helping you implement change with confidence and ensuring your team remains engaged and aligned throughout the process.

How to Lead Change (Without Inspiring a Mutiny)

Amy Au

Helping you implement change with confidence and ensuring your team remains engaged and aligned throughout the process.

How to Lead Change (Without Inspiring a Mutiny)

Amy Au
Helping you implement change with confidence and ensuring your team remains engaged and aligned throughout the process.

All the tools you need to be competitive on the job market after a break.

Learn how to pitch your ideas so they get adopted – and you get the credit for your amazing business insights!

Helping you implement change with confidence and ensuring your team remains engaged and aligned throughout the process.

Our favourite negotiation expert answers your trickiest salary negotiation questions.

Giving you actionable strategies to address unproductive and harmful behaviours on your team.

How you as a leader can leverage your unique neurodivergent employees – and give them the support they need.

Learn the tools your need to help you sound like a put-together thought leader anytime you’re up on stage.

WIMDI x FEMINA COLLECTIVE - How the Heck Do You Work with a Recruiter - Interactive Webinar Recording

Learn the questions to ask, and how to engage with recruiters to get into the top-secret hidden job market for high-level roles.

Learn techniques that will help you dismantle the toxic trash that keeps you stuck so you can tap into your power at work.

Helping you to make sense of the subtle language, behaviour, and power structures in the corporate world so you can navigate the corporate space with skill and intention.

WIMDI Interactive Webinar Recording - Holding Your Team to High Standards

Learn how to create a high-performing team that upholds high standards and produces quality work.

Learn the key steps you need to take to make yourself irresistibly promote-able and lock in your career advancement by year end.

Helping you take your power back, boost your credibility, and increase your influence at work.

Helping you break up with your self-sabotaging impostor behaviours and move forward in your career with newfound confidence.

Giving you a framework to conduct a value-based negotiation with your employer about your compensation package.

Helping you to understand the constraints that shape your relationship with anger.

Learn how to get back in touch with the irrepressible zest at the heart of your being so you can pursue what you want.

Learn how to delegate effectively and create a strong container for a productive team.

Laid off? Holly Burton and Vida Thomson lay out a 4-step guide to navigating your layoff and getting your career restarted.

Learn how LinkedIn recruiting works so you can tailor your profile to show up on the radar of the right recruiters and get proactively hired into interesting jobs.

We are often both cursed by one and taxed for the other as we attempt to meet expectations, influence our peers, and lead in the modern workplace

Ever been stuck in a job for 5 years while you watched your male colleagues get promoted over you? Welcome, WIMDI friends, to progression lag.

We all know it’s coming: The moment when an employee walks into your office and asks you for more money (and you don’t have it!). What do you do when you have to say no (or not right now) but you still want to retain your staff?

Ever been in a situation where you needed to tell someone what you needed, but weren’t totally sure how to do it effectively? You'll walk away an expectations-setting pro with at least 4000% more confidence*.

Buried in the endless labyrinth of heretofores and notwithstandings, there are a series of clauses that are essential for every woman working in technical jobs to understand and negotiate if they want to have a happy employer-employee relationship.

Not just for accountants -- this is essential learning for all of us! Learn how to understand income statements so you can find new ways to add value to the company’s bottom line.

Learn everything you need to know to successfully transition up a level from individual contributor to manager in your next job search (even if you’ve never had the “official” title before).

This talk focuses on the training roadmap you need to take on more senior roles and avoid the glass ceiling.

Hot tips & tricks to help you successfully navigate the hiring process and make an amazing hire -- even if you've never done it before!

Learn how to understand, love, and leverage the innate greatness that is in you so you can show up as a powerful, unstoppable leader at work and in life!

Exploring the structures that support gaslighting, its effects, the impact it has on women & underrepresented groups at work & offers concrete steps you can take to stop it!

Learn all the tools you need to not let sh*tty comments undermine you and your career, so you can focus on your strengths and not internalize all that negative nonsense!

Learn how to create the compelling business cases you need to pitch your ideas and strategic projects at work and get an easy ‘yes’ to all of your amazing ideas!

Learn tried-and-true tactics to challenge what no longer works -- and make positive changes in your organization -- without getting thrown under the bus or burning out.

Learn how to explore strategic planning in bite-sized pieces so you can set direction for your team and confidently take on higher-level projects.

This talk teaches you the information and skills you need to successfully interview for senior leadership positions (yes, even executive-level roles!).

This video focuses on leading through the shifting of power structures at work and helping leaders use their relationship with power to create more equity for everyone.

This video will teach you how to set limits and say no at work so you can do high-value work, protect your time, and have more control over your life.

Part 1 of our Owning Your Performance Review Series covers all of the steps you need to do to set yourself up for a 5-star performance review with your boss.

Part 2 of our Owning Your Performance Review Series teaches you exactly how to gracefully handle negative feedback during your performance review.

In Part 3 of our Owning Your Performance Review Series, we teach you effective tools, tips, and techniques you can use to get a raise (and make sure you get professional development too!).