Who We’re For
- by Holly Burton
who we're for
Who We're For
WIMDI events and resources are suitable for people of all genders that oppose the patriarchy and misogyny, and want to be amazing leaders with ambitious careers.
While WIMDI aims to welcome and include anyone who is in a gender minority in a male-dominated field (women, trans men, and genderqueer, agender, intersex, two spirit, and non-binary folks), we actively centre the experiences of women (cisgender and trans) in our content.
We aim to welcome and include members in every category of:
- Race
- Gender
- Sexual Orientation
- Age
- Caregiving Requirements (eg: parenting)
- Ability/Disability & Neurodiversity
- Mental Health
- Size/Weight
- Immigration Status/Citizenship
- Class/Socioeconomic Status
WIMDI has an ongoing diversity, equity, and inclusion strategy in place to help us actively centre and include all of these intersectional identities. For information on our plan and our progress, see our Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion page.