Expert Ask Me Anything: Speaking & Presenting Skills –…

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As you move up the ladder, it’s important to be able to engage with recruiters during your job searches. But the process and norms of working with recruiters often feels like a big mystery:

Where do you find them? How can you tell if they have access to the really good jobs? Do they work for you or the company? Can you trust the advice they give you? How do you make it so they call you first when they find out about a cool opportunity?

If you’ve been wishing you had a friendly insider you could pepper with questions until you knew exactly how to engage with recruiters so you can get access to the top-secret hidden job market for high-level roles, then you’re in the right place.

WIMDI - Expert Ask Me Anything: Speaking & Presenting Skills - Interactive Webinar Recording

Expert Ask Me Anything: Speaking & Presenting Skills

Interested in becoming more of a thought leader in your industry but not sure what it takes to book speaking engagements and shine as a speaker?

Trying to get through your monthly budget update presentation without half the room zoning out and the other half booking laser eye surgery because your size-four-font spreadsheets are imperceivable to anyone over the age of 12, even on a conference room projector?

Worried you’re not confident or interesting enough to be a successful speaker?

What if you’re 95% convinced that if you got up on stage to give a talk, an angry hoard would appear and ruthlessly pelt you with tomatoes until you sulked off stage, sullen and forlorn, leaving your pride and speaking ambitions behind in a pulpy, vegetal heap?

Stress not, dear WIMDIs! The solutions to your speaking and presenting woes are here. We’ve gathered together a team of speaking experts – AKA: WIMDI’s volunteer speaker coach team! – to help answer your burning questions about the wild world of presenting.

Talk Outline

This Ask Me Anything webinar focuses on everything you need to know to create utterly captivating presentations that make you look great (and prevent any errant tomato-ings). We cover:

  • Basic presentation principles to help you get (and keep!) your audience’s attention
  • Guidelines we use at WIMDI to make sure talks are interesting, useful, and full of actionable insights
  • How to pitch talks to industry conferences & meetups to build your personal brand
  • Tips & tricks to turn powerpoints full of data and numbers from ugh, mandatory nap time to clear, digestible messaging that actually influences decision makers

The goal of this webinar is to help you sound like a put-together thought leader anytime you’re up on stage.

Watch the Full Video

Want to get the full WIMDI webinar experience? Get out your popcorn and watch the whole damn video!

About Our Speakers

Holly Burton

International Speaker & WIMDI Founder

Holly is an executive coach for women in male-dominated industries. She works one-on-one with ambitious women to help them lead, get promoted, and create the careers they actually want in industries they love.

As a mining engineer for the first ten years of her career, Holly was exposed to one of the most male-dominated spaces -- just 17% female. She uses the unique perspective she gained as a woman in mining, alongside her obsessive nerdiness for all things feminism, leadership, and career to help women create the working world they deserve while they wait for the rest of society to catch up.

Follow Holly: Website | LinkedIn

Jen Yee

Toastmaster & WIMDI Speaker Coach

Jen's a part of the WIMDI Speaker Coach Team. She helps the presenters feel confident presenting their expertise and creating an engaging story. She works for the Detroit Tigers MLB team as a software engineer, and is a former professional softball player so being able to connect the two was a great opportunity.

Since playing softball Jen's tried a lot of sports, but recently she started to play underwater hockey and finds it really hard! In order to get enough energy to play hockey, her other hobby is making ice cream. Pistachio is by far the best flavour.

Follow Jen: Website | LinkedIn | Instagram

Brenda Benham

Presentation Trainer & Speaker Coach

Brenda is WIMDI's speaker coach. She helps our wonderful speakers show up as their shiny best selves on the WIMDI stage with memorable, engaging, and (most importantly!) informative presentations.

Brenda is a retired lawyer and has her own business as a Presentation Trainer and Coach at Memorable Presenter Consulting. She works with detail-oriented individuals (and the companies they work for) to help make their presentations memorable and engaging using the brain science of how people learn and remember.

Brenda was born in Vancouver (at the same hospital as her son) and has attended the Vancouver Folk Music Festival every year but one since 1983.

Follow Brenda: Website | LinkedIn | YouTube

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