Expert Ask Me Anything: Salary Negotiation – Event

new event

Thurs Nov 14th

12:00 - 1:00 pm (PT)

Expert Ask Me Anything: Salary Negotiation

Trying to figure out the exact thing to say to your boss to add a few zeroes to your paycheque but have no idea where to start?

Looking for a magic formula to turn a 2% cost of living increase into a healthy $20,000 raise?

Stressing over finding the perfect number to ask for so you don’t get turned down – or worse! – labelled as ‘greedy’ or ‘aggressive’?

If you want to ask for a salary increase but worry your lack of confidence and zero negotiation skills will make you seem like an immature business n00b and not a competent, professional woman worth every penny they pay you, then we’ve got the perfect thing for you! We’ve got our favourite negotiation expert to help answer your trickiest salary negotiation questions.

Talk Outline:

This Ask Me Anything session will focus on everything you need to know to successfully negotiate your salary. We’ll cover:

  • How to decide on what salary to ask for (and the factors that affect what you can ask for)
  • Ways to talk about your skills so you seem worth the salary increase you want
  • Strategize-in-advance tips so you can go into your negotiation prepared for anything
  • Techniques to help you seem more confident (even if you’re secretly shaking in your boots)

The goal of this event is to help you learn the tools of the negotiation trade so you can (hopefully!) go out and get yourself a big raise.

🙋🏻‍♀️ Don't forget to submit your burning question for the Expert AMA when you grab your ticket!

Event Details

Attendance Notes:

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