Leadership Coaching

Leadership Coaching
for Women in Male-
Dominated Industries

  • Develop Your Leadership
  • Drive Strategic Results
  • Build Your Career to New Heights

Leadership Coaching

for Women in Male-
Dominated Industries

  • Develop Your Leadership
  • Drive Strategic Results
  • Build Your Career to New Heights

Ok, Let’s Get Real for a Second

You’re trying to be an amazing leader, but the zero hours of management training you’ve gotten and your library of 100-page business books written by super privileged white dudes can only teach you so much.

You know you’re supposed to influence without authority and develop cross-functional relationships…but you honestly have no idea how to do any of that jargon-y nonsense.

And crawling TikTok for leadership inspo has only turned up inspirational hoo-haa made by women who were fronting for MLMs 6 months before they became ‘experts’ in the field.

Any of This Sound Familiar?

  • You’re working hard to drive results but you have no time for strategic work
  • You want to get promoted but you’re tired of waiting to be tapped on the shoulder
  • You break into a cold sweat when you need to have difficult conversations
  • Your executive presence is less Sasha Fierce and more Eeyore
  • You want to level-up your influence, but you have no one to turn to for leadership advice that actually works
  • Your team loves you but you’re burned out from overfunctioning for them and having to be the one with all the answers
  • You’ve worked so many hours this week on the adminutia that keeps your projects moving forward that you’ve almost fallen asleep three times reading this list

You Need

Leadership Coaching

The expert guidance and support you need to develop your leadership skills, climb the ladder, and deliver outstanding business results.

What You'll Get From Coaching

Leadership & Management Skills

Build your toolbox of leadership and management tactics so you can develop your employees, drive results, and inspire your team to reach new heights of achievement.

Strategic Business Thinking

Learn to get off the hamster wheel and put your focus in the right place so you can work on higher-level, strategic problems that generate real returns for the business.

Increased Influence

Increase your visibility, credibility, and influence so you can get key projects off the ground and develop relationships with your peers & senior leadership.

Reputation-Building Results

Consistently drive business-critical results that senior leadership actually cares about – without completely burning you and your team out in the process.

But Wait, There’s More!

We’ll be your sounding board, confidant, and your leadership secret weapon. We’ll meet you where you are and help you discover the invisible skills, competencies, and relationships you need to develop to be an effective leader who creates amazing results.

You’ll get leadership tactics that actually work – and new levels of confidence that stem from experience and results (not just jacked-up, arrogant bro-vado).

Before you know it, you’ll be chasing down your next challenge – whether that’s a VP, SVP, or C-level role.

Sign Me Up for Coaching!

Damn, I totally get the enthusiasm! Who wouldn’t want new leadership and management tactics, increased influence, a fresh strategic business lens on your work, and results that make your boss build a low-key shrine to you in the corner of their office?

Let’s hop on a call and make a plan to help you become the leader of your dreams.


Working with Holly was a whole new level of mentorship and coaching that I had never gotten before from my bosses at work


Masaki | Director, Product Management

Meet Your Coach

Holly Burton is a leadership coach for women in male-dominated industries. She worked as an engineer in the mining and tech industries -- which are only 17% women -- for the first ten years of her career.

Holly’s actually been in the leadership trenches of male-dominated industries. She’s had performance reviews that turned into personality reviews. She’s had to strategically flex her expertise to get taken seriously in an endless parade of technical d*ck measuring contests. She’s walked the tightrope between aggressive & unlikelable and darling, would you take the notes in every meeting she’s ever been in.

And, like Ginger Rogers, she did all of that backwards and in the world’s most ill-fitting reflective-striped winter jacket and steel toed boots.


These days, Holly coaches ambitious leaders and executives to help them lead more strategically, reach new heights in their career and dismantle the patriarchy one glass ceiling at a time. She’s coached hundreds of women to lead teams of technical experts, create millions of dollars of revenue, lead crucial change management initiatives, and literally move mountains – just like she did.

Holly’s coaching is bold, trauma-informed, neurodivergent-friendly, and incorporates intersectional feminist theory. She brings a business strategy-focused lens to her work, helping her clients live into their highest levels of executive potential.

Meet Your Coach

Holly Burton, a white woman, with blonde hair wearing a navy-blue blazer and floral blouse, smiles while standing facing the viewer.

Holly Burton is a leadership coach for women in male-dominated industries. She worked as an engineer in the mining and tech industries -- which are only 17% women -- for the first ten years of her career.

Holly’s actually been in the leadership trenches of male-dominated industries. She’s had performance reviews that turned into personality reviews. She’s had to strategically flex her expertise to get taken seriously in an endless parade of technical d*ck measuring contests. She’s walked the tightrope between aggressive & unlikelable and darling, would you take the notes in every meeting she’s ever been in.

And, like Ginger Rogers, she did all of that backwards and in the world’s most ill-fitting reflective-striped winter jacket and steel toed boots.

These days, Holly coaches ambitious leaders and executives to help them lead more strategically, reach new heights in their career and dismantle the patriarchy one glass ceiling at a time. She’s coached hundreds of women to lead teams of technical experts, create millions of dollars of revenue, lead crucial change management initiatives, and literally move mountains – just like she did.

Holly’s coaching is bold, trauma-informed, neurodivergent-friendly, and incorporates intersectional feminist theory. She brings a business strategy-focused lens to her work, helping her clients live into their highest levels of executive potential.

3 Program Options

Leadership Coaching

6 Month Engagement

You’ll Get:

  • 60-Minute Coaching Sessions Every 2 Weeks
  • 2-Hour Discovery Session
  • 2-Hour Wrap Up Session

This is the perfect program for you if you want a self-directed deep dive into your leadership that is highly responsive to your needs, circumstances, and strengths.

Leadership Coaching + Skills Assessment

6 Month Engagement

You’ll Get:

  • 60-Minute Coaching Sessions Every 2 Weeks
  • 2-Hour Discovery Session
  • 2-Hour Wrap Up Session
  • Leadership Circle™ Skills Assessment

This is the option for you if you want to benchmark your leadership skills using an industry-standard assessment – and work to improve your skillset and potential.

Leadership Coaching + 360° Review

9 Month Engagement

You’ll Get:

  • 60-Minute Coaching Sessions Every 2 Weeks
  • 2-Hour Discovery Session
  • 2-Hour Wrap Up Session
  • 360° Leadership Review with 5 Team Members

This is the option for you if you want a detailed look at your skills, strengths, and potential development areas as seen by your peers, direct reports, and senior leadership.

Leadership Coaching

6 Month Engagement

You’ll Get:

  • 60-Minute Coaching Sessions Every 2 Weeks
  • 2-Hour Discovery Session
  • 2-Hour Wrap Up Session

This is the perfect program for you if you want a self-directed deep dive into your leadership that is highly responsive to your needs, circumstances, and strengths.

Leadership Coaching + Skills Assessment

6 Month Engagement

You’ll Get:

  • 60-Minute Coaching Sessions Every 2 Weeks
  • 2-Hour Discovery Session
  • 2-Hour Wrap Up Session
  • Leadership Circle™ Skills Assessment

This is the option for you if you want to benchmark your leadership skills using an industry-standard assessment – and work to improve your skillset and potential.

Leadership Coaching + 360° Review

9 Month Engagement

You’ll Get:

  • 60-Minute Coaching Sessions Every 2 Weeks
  • 2-Hour Discovery Session
  • 2-Hour Wrap Up Session
  • 360° Leadership Review with 5 Team Members

This is the option for you if you want a detailed look at your skills, strengths, and potential development areas as seen by your peers, direct reports, and senior leadership.

Uh, Yeah. I Need This STAT!

Book a complimentary coaching call and get our resident former mining engineer and current coach extraordinaire teleported to a zoom call near you.

You’ll never be stuck solving a sticky leadership challenge all by your lonesome again!

Uh, Yeah. I Need This STAT!

Book a complimentary coaching call and get our resident former mining engineer and current coach extraordinaire teleported to a zoom call near you.

You’ll never be stuck solving a sticky leadership challenge all by your lonesome again!


When I started working with Holly, I had just dipped my toes into management. Within 2 years, I had been promoted to Director and increased my pay by $130k.

My sessions with Holly were an investment into my career - and it has paid off big time!

Because of her coaching, I can think more strategically and analyze situations from the perspective of a business leader (weighing financial trade-offs and risks), as opposed to just working to get my projects completed. I know what the execs are looking for and how to talk to them, so my roadmaps and strategic plans get more traction.

My influence has absolutely skyrocketed!

Masaki | Director, Product Management

Avatar of an asian woman with long brown wavy hair, wearing a grey top with a white collar looking delighted and happy

When I first got promoted to VP, I felt totally overwhelmed and worried that my skills weren't 'enough' to sit at the leadership table.

I hired Holly to help me level up my leadership. We did a leadership skills assessment to help me get a clear picture of my standout skills and development areas.

Her coaching helped me identify the 2-3 key pieces of development I needed to become a better leader and where I wanted to focus my efforts to feel the biggest impact, both personally and for my team.

I now lead with more confidence -- and an expanded tool kit befitting a VP. I'm so grateful for Holly's help!

Liz | VP Technical Services

Avatar of a white woman with dark-blonde, curly hair wearing a dark scoop neck top, with a delighted laughing expression

Holly has helped me become a way more effective leader.

When I started working with her, I had been a manager for years. But as my role expanded, I realized I needed a new set of management tools to help me lead at a more senior level, work more strategically, and grow my impact and scope.

Holly and I honed my ability to lead a high-performing team by focusing on my delegation, expectation setting, feedback, and accountability skills.

With my new toolkit, I've been able to increase my team's revenue 7x and expand the scope of my role from a single region to all of North and South America.

Natalie | Vice President of Sales, Americas

Avatar of a white woman with long, blonde hair and blue v-neck shirt looking to the left with a happy expression


When I started working with Holly, I had just dipped my toes into management. Within 2 years, I had been promoted to Director and increased my pay by $130k.

My sessions with Holly were an investment into my career - and it has paid off big time!

Because of her coaching, I can think more strategically and analyze situations from the perspective of a business leader (weighing financial trade-offs and risks), as opposed to just working to get my projects completed. I know what the execs are looking for and how to talk to them, so my roadmaps and strategic plans get more traction.

My influence has absolutely skyrocketed!

Masaki | Director, Product Management

Avatar of an asian woman with long brown wavy hair, wearing a grey top with a white collar looking delighted and happy

When I first got promoted to VP, I felt totally overwhelmed and worried that my skills weren't 'enough' to sit at the leadership table.

I hired Holly to help me level up my leadership. We did a leadership skills assessment to help me get a clear picture of my standout skills and development areas.

Her coaching helped me identify the 2-3 key pieces of development I needed to become a better leader and where I wanted to focus my efforts to feel the biggest impact, both personally and for my team.

I now lead with more confidence -- and an expanded tool kit befitting a VP. I'm so grateful for Holly's help!

Liz | VP Technical Services

Avatar of a white woman with dark-blonde, curly hair wearing a dark scoop neck top, with a delighted laughing expression

Holly has helped me become a way more effective leader.

When I started working with her, I had been a manager for years. But as my role expanded, I realized I needed a new set of management tools to help me lead at a more senior level, work more strategically, and grow my impact and scope.

Holly and I honed my ability to lead a high-performing team by focusing on my delegation, expectation setting, feedback, and accountability skills.

With my new toolkit, I've been able to increase my team's revenue 7x and expand the scope of my role from a single region to all of North and South America.

Natalie | Vice President of Sales, Americas

Our Clients Work At

Red Hat
New Relic
EA (Electronic Arts)
PWC (PricewaterhouseCoopers)
SRK Consulting
West Fraser
Mott Macdonald
BC Hydro



Holly's coaching has been absolutely instrumental in my success.

She's now a non-negotiable in my professional development budget!


Natalie | Vice President of Sales, Americas

Ok, Let’s Do This Already!

You’ve read the page. You’ve fallen in love. You’re now 100% convinced that leadership coaching is for you (ok, ok, maybe like 80%, let’s be real).

So let’s make it happen! Book a complimentary coaching call and we’ll figure out exactly how we can help you develop your leadership, increase your influence, and create reputation-building results.