How to Pitch Ideas (So People Actually Hear Them)…

new event

Thurs Feb 13th

5:30 - 7:30 pm (PT)

How to Pitch Ideas (So People Actually Hear Them)

Women suffering from idea stealing is a tale as old as time. But there’s something even worse: Idea ignoring!

If you’ve ever wondered if your microphone is selectively on the fritz in your meetings because nobody seems to care about the talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before idea you’ve been sharing over and over again for the last few weeks, then we’ve got the perfect thing for you.

Most of us struggle to pitch our ideas at work in a way that decision makers can actually hear and fall in love with. We tend to share too much information, or the wrong information, or the right information, but in a terminally insecure sounding voice where everything you say somehow sounds like a question? And suddenly you find yourself marinating in a confused moment of silence before someone changes the subject entirely and moves to the next order of business. So much for your amazing idea making it onto the roadmap. Ugh.

Getting your ideas heard and adopted at work is essential to your ability to lead and move up the chain of command. You’ve got to be able to rally folks around your vision if you want to be an effective leader. And the good news is, it’s a completely learnable skill!

Talk Outline:

This talk will focus on techniques for sharing your ideas with decision makers so they can see the potential you and your ideas bring to the table. We’ll cover:

  • The 4 key principles to successfully pitching your ideas
  • What executives and senior managers are listening for
  • How to come across as confident and credible so people will back your idea
  • Demonstrations of exactly what a good pitch sounds like – and what it doesn’t sound like!

The goal of this talk is to help you learn how to pitch your ideas so they get adopted – and you get the credit for your amazing business insights!

Event Details

Attendance Notes:

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