Career Strategy Coaching

Expert Career Strategy for Unabashedly Ambitious Women

Yep, that means you!

Expert Career Strategy for Unabashedly Ambitious Women

Yep, that means you!

We All Need A Little Help

No matter what kind of business-changing, leadership-revolutionizing, card-carrying genius you are, everyone needs a little help sometimes. We all hit bumps in the road, detours, and unexpected turns on our determined rise to the top, and it can be so helpful to have an unbiased expert in your corner to re-orient you when things get tricky.

If you’re feeling totally stuck, lost, or just not sure what to do next, we’ll jump into the passenger’s seat beside you and play navigator so you can get where you’re going.

Ok, So How Does Career Strategy Coaching Work?

And like, can you explain it using a wildly out-of-date and elaborate metaphor?

Yep! The way career strategy sessions work is best summed up by our favourite uncool white rapper, Vanilla Ice:

"If you've got a problem, yo, I'll solve it"

Bad 80’s song lyrics aside, it’s basically that simple. Bring us your tricky problems and we’ll spend an hour of our time helping to strategize how to tackle it with the aplomb of a mediocre white rapper who was roundly mocked while also having a #1 hit single. (Or maybe even more aplomb than Vanilla Ice. Let’s aim high, WIMDIs!)

Book a quick assessment call (free!) and we’ll Ice Ice Baby your problems away.

(and do it so fast other DJs say 'Damn')

Ok, So How Does Career Strategy Coaching Work?

And like, can you explain it using a wildly out-of-date and elaborate metaphor?

Yep! The way career strategy sessions work is best summed up by our favourite uncool white rapper, Vanilla ice:

"If you've got a problem, yo, I'll solve it"

Bad 80’s song lyrics aside, it’s basically that simple. Bring us your tricky problems and we’ll spend an hour of our time helping to strategize how to tackle it with the aplomb of a mediocre white rapper who was roundly mocked while also having a #1 hit single. (Or maybe even more aplomb than Vanilla Ice. Let’s aim high, WIMDIs!)

Book a quick assessment call (free!) and we’ll Ice Ice Baby your problems away.

(and do it so fast other DJs say 'Damn')


Holly’s my go-to strategizing partner whenever I have a major career decision to make. Her advice is always spot on and she has an amazing ability to help me see all the angles, opportunities, and risks in front of me.


Autumn | Software Developer

What Can I Get Career Strategy Consulting About?

And specifically, can you help me cook MC’s like a pound of bacon?

Definitely! We’ll help you with whatever is in your way, whether that’s figuring out your next career move or strategizing a way out of some complex workplace politics. No matter your problem, we promise to stop, collaborate and listen so we can figure out the best path forward for you.

To give you a taste of the stuff we love to tackle, here are some real questions we’ve answered for WIMDI clients:

  • Should I stay at my job or leave?
  • What kind of development opportunity should I look for next?
  • How can I stop my boss from micromanaging me?
  • How should I structure my team so we can execute my vision?
  • Should I go to HR with my problem or will that backfire?
  • How do I get myself recognized as a high-performer at work?

Plus anything else you can think of. We’ll make sure you’ve got the right strategic advice to help you slice like a ninja, and cut like a razor blade (aka: absolutely kill it at work).

('cause anything less than the best is a felony)

What Can I Get Career Strategy Consulting About?

And specifically, can you help me cook MC’s like pound of bacon?

Definitely! We’ll help you with whatever is in your way, whether that’s figuring out your next career move or strategizing a way out of some complex workplace politics. No matter your problem, we promise to stop, collaborate and listen so we can figure out the best path forward for you.

To give you a taste of the stuff we love to tackle, here are some real questions we’ve answered for WIMDI clients:

  • Should I stay at my job or leave?
  • What kind of development opportunity should I look for next?
  • How can I stop my boss from micromanaging me?
  • How should I structure my team so we can execute my vision?
  • Should I go to HR with my problem or will that backfire?
  • How do I get myself recognized as a high-performer at work?

Plus anything else you can think of. We’ll make sure you’ve got the right strategic advice to help you slice like a ninja, and cut like a razor blade (aka: absolutely kill it at work).

('cause anything less than the best is a felony)

Avatar of an asian woman with long brown wavy hair, wearing a grey top with a white collar looking delighted and happy

Director, Product Management


Holly helped me advocate for myself to get promoted from Manager to Director.

It was a huge leap, and senior leadership didn't feel I was ready for it (even though I was practically already doing the job!). She helped me navigate numerous tough conversations with leadership to understand their expectations and figure out how I could demonstrate my skills.

Not only did I get the promotion, I massively increased my confidence and self-worth.

Thanks, Holly!


Avatar of an asian woman with long brown wavy hair, wearing a grey top with a white collar looking delighted and happy


Director, Product Management

Holly helped me advocate for myself to get promoted from Manager to Director.

It was a huge leap, and senior leadership didn't feel I was ready for it (even though I was practically already doing the job!). She helped me navigate numerous tough conversations with leadership to understand their expectations and figure out how I could demonstrate my skills.

Not only did I get the promotion, I massively increased my confidence and self-worth.

Thanks, Holly!



Holly’s approach is funny, yet direct. I’ve really appreciated her candor in our conversations. She doesn’t allow me to settle, or become too comfortable. Working with her is absolutely worth it.


Aurora | Senior Geoscientist

Get Your Sh*t Sorted with Our Career Strategy Experts

Whether you want to chart your path to your next major promotion, flow like a harpoon daily and nightly, or just light up a stage and wax a chump like a candle, we’ve got the strategy skills (and dated pop culture references!) to Ice Ice Baby your problems away.

Grab a spot in our calendar and we’ll sort out your career dilemmas faster than you can say Rob Van Winkle.

Get Your Sh*t Sorted with Our Career Strategy Experts

Whether you want to chart your path to your next major promotion, flow like a harpoon daily and nightly, or just light up a stage and wax a chump like a candle, we’ve got the strategy skills (and dated pop culture references!) to Ice Ice Baby your problems away.

Grab a spot in our calendar and we’ll sort out your career dilemmas faster than you can say Rob Van Winkle.