A few months ago I listened to a podcast that made me want to throw my phone across the room in a fit of feminist rage.
Ok, so we’ve all heard of executive coaching – but what the heck is this mysterious thing that HBR keeps telling us senior leaders use to improve their performance?
Ever feel like people barely read the resumes you spend hours carefully customizing, spell checking, and adjusting to pixel perfection?
The job offer that you accept today will have a huge effect on your career.
Ready for another inspiring #WIMDIwin story? Check out the astounding story of Andrea, a Game Changing Year client and Product Manager.
Picture this: You’ve got a new job offer in hand and you’re gearing yourself up to ask them to increase the salary by a substantial amount. You’ve got your negotiation all planned out
Have you ever walked out of a job interview anxiously wondering how it went? Were you charming enough? Did you show off your technical chops sufficiently?
Picture this: You’ve had an absolute triumph of a year at work. You and your boss have both advocated hard for you to get promoted.
Yep, you read that right: Double. Your. Budget.
And the best part? It's easy! Just six super simple steps
"How the heck do I get my team to be more autonomous?" is a question most of my clients have asked me at some point (usually in exasperation).