Make 2025
Your Game Changing Year

  • Better Title
  • Better Pay
  • Better Results


Make 2025 Your Game Changing Year

  • Better Title
  • Better Pay
  • Better Results

The Game Changing Year?
What an Audacious Name!

Damn Right! We call it like it is.

No exaggeration (ok maybe a little...)
, this program will add high-octane fuel to your career and help you get -- and own! -- your seat at the decision-making table. It's designed to teach you expert tools and techniques so you can:

  • Hone your strategic business acumen
  • Influence decision makers
  • Create real value for the companies you work for

Tired of your Career Going Nowhere Year After Year?

We know what it's like. Your boss doesn't see your potential. Your fantastic work isn't getting recognized by the right people. You keep getting passed over for interesting, high-profile projects and promotions. Nobody hears your great ideas and you don't have a seat at the decision-making table. 

You're not alone. As leadership coaches, we've worked with hundreds of ambitious, successful, stunningly intelligent women. At some point or another, all of them have wondered why the recognition, promotion, pay, or opportunities they were craving just refused to materialize.

Before working with us, our clients had been doing everything they were supposed to: power-posing their asses off, attending confidence seminars, and up to their eyeballs in mentors. But nothing changed.

It's like being a Ferrari doing 40 on a residential street.


Here's the Unfortunate Truth:

Most women's leadership programming focuses too much on soft skills and leaves out the essential education in business that you really need to be heard, move up, and be the most indispensable person at your company.

We can learn communication tools, study our values, and practice confidence hacks all day long, but it's damn hard to move up without knowing the rules to the other half of the game.

We need a more strategic, business-focused approach.

Otherwise, we're painting our Ferrari a beautiful, glossy red, but neglecting the engine. Too much focus on paint leaves you stuttering at the starting line, rather than crossing the finish line with a roar.

This program will teach you the business skills you need to tune up your engine and take your game to a whole new level by 2026.  



The Game Changing Year 

The 9-month program to help you take control, level-up your business acumen and finally get the recognition, promotion, pay, and opportunities you want!  

Join Us and You'll:

  • Learn Business Skills & Frameworks that help you create results
  • Level Up Your Strategic Thinking so you and your ideas get noticed
  • Influence Decision Makers so they back you and your projects 
  • Get Control over how your work is perceived 
  • Expand Your Confidence through self-awareness and bold action
  • Take a Big Step Up in your career level, responsibilities, and visibility

Join Us and You'll:

  • Learn Business Skills & Frameworks that help you create results
  • Level Up Your Strategic Thinking so you and your ideas get noticed
  • Influence Decision Makers so they back you and your projects 
  • Get Control over how your work is perceived 
  • Expand Your Confidence through self-awareness and bold action
  • Take a Big Step Up in your career level, responsibilities, and visibility

Get Everything You Need to Succeed:

Strategic Business Education

Expert tools to help you hone your strategic business acumen and create real value for the companies you work for

Powerful Group Coaching

Specialized coaching and mentorship from leadership coaches for women in male-dominated industries

A Supportive Community of Women 

An intimate community of ambitious women with the same goals to help brainstorm and keep you accountable

Get Everything You Need to Succeed:

Strategic Business Education

Expert tools to help you hone your strategic business acumen and create real value for the companies you work for

Powerful Group Coaching

Specialized coaching and mentorship from leadership coaches for women in male-dominated industries

A Supportive Community of Women 

An intimate community of ambitious women with the same goals to help brainstorm and keep you accountable

The Details

Strategic Business Education

We'll teach you everything you need to know to develop strategic business initiatives that your higher-ups fall in love with so that giving you more responsibility is a no-brainer.

You'll get:

  • Quarterly 7-Hour Education Modules that teach you repeatable frameworks to create, pitch, and get approval for your strategic business ideas.
  • Practical Exercises to deepen your learning, increase your confidence, and make your ideas clear and convincing.
  • Challenged to a New Level of Leadership in your career. No more playing small!

We'll meet every month for a virtual group coaching call to work through any barriers getting in your way -- external or internal. Your expert coaches will be there to answer questions and challenge you.

You'll get:

  • Monthly 90-Minute Group Coaching Calls to work through any challenges so you're never stuck and miserable.
  • Accountability Partners and homework to keep you moving forward and working on your goals.
  • Expert Leadership Coaching to uncover the hidden blocks stopping you from moving powerfully into your full potential as a business leader.

Powerful Group Coaching

A Supportive Community of Women 

You'll be part of an intimate cohort of ambitious women, all working towards the goal of advancing their career and strategic business leadership in 2025. You'll get to know every member of the group over the course of the year as you support each other and help create the successful careers of your dreams.  

You'll get:

  • A 2-Hour Virtual Kickoff where you'll get to know your cohort and their dreams and goals intimately. Strangers no more!
  • A Get-It-Done Partner every month to keep you connected and accountable. You'll always have someone to brainstorm with. 
  • A Network of Deep Connections who get you, understand your world and have your back. No more superficial coffee meetings!

The Details

Strategic Business Education

We'll teach you everything you need to know to develop strategic business initiatives that your higher-ups fall in love with so that giving you more responsibility is a no-brainer.

You'll get:

  • Quarterly 7-Hour Education Modules that teach you repeatable frameworks to create, pitch, and get approval for your strategic business ideas.
  • Practical Exercises to deepen your learning, increase your confidence, and make your ideas clear and convincing.
  • Challenged to a New Level of Leadership in your career. No more playing small!

Powerful Group Coaching

We'll meet every month for a virtual group coaching call to work through any barriers getting in your way -- external or internal. Your expert coaches will be there to answer questions and challenge you.

You'll get:

  • Monthly 90-Minute Group Coaching Calls to work through any challenges so you're never stuck and miserable.
  • Accountability Partners and homework to keep you moving forward and working on your goals.
  • Expert Leadership Coaching to uncover the hidden blocks stopping you from moving powerfully into your full potential as a business leader.

A Supportive Community of Women 

You'll be part of an intimate cohort of ambitious women, all working towards the goal of advancing their career and strategic business leadership in 2025. You'll get to know every member of the group over the course of the year as you support each other and help create the successful careers of your dreams.  

You'll get:

  • A 2-Hour Virtual Kickoff where you'll get to know your cohort and their dreams and goals intimately. Strangers no more!
  • A Get-It-Done Partner every month to keep you connected and accountable. You'll always have someone to brainstorm with. 
  • A Network of Deep Connections who get you, understand your world and have your back. No more superficial coffee meetings!

Your 2025 Strategic Business Education Plan

Here's the stuff The Game Changing Year will teach you so that you utterly astound your boss and colleagues with how damn good you've become at business over the course of 2025.


Understanding Your Value, Skills, & Goals

We'll dig deep into you and your career history to help you understand exactly what value you bring to the table for employers -- and how it fits into your career goals. You'll be able to talk about yourself and position your skills and talents so people really get you -- and give you great opportunities & projects.


Uncovering Business Needs

We'll teach you the key frameworks of creating business value, plus powerful questioning skills so you can get at the heart of what your company really needs to succeed. You'll be a card-carrying, certified genius at pinpointing the perfect problem to solve to change the game at work.


Evaluating Opportunities & Building Business Cases

We'll get into the weeds of how companies and bosses make decisions on greenlighting projects and initiatives so that you can create projects and business cases that get traction. You'll become the opportunity cost analysis expert at work, ready and able to evaluate the strategic value of any idea at the drop of a hat!


Communicating to Influence

We'll show you powerful communication skills you can use to influence stakeholders so you can make your ideas take off. You'll be the go-to person for getting a tricky project over the line -- with or without formal authority.



We'll nerd out over tools and techniques that make you a formidable negotiator -- both for your company and for yourself! You'll become the client and boss whisperer who can talk people into win-win-win outcomes with ease and aplomb!

Learn More About What We Teach

Want to go a little deeper? Check out these explainer videos that teach you everything you could ever want to know about the five Game Changing Skills you'll learn in the program.

So Basically,

You get a turn-by-turn course map, two expert mechanics, and a pit crew for your race to first place in the Career Grand Prix.  


Meet Your Coaches


Women Coached


WIMDI Community Members


Raises Negotiated By Clients


Years of Technical & Management Experience


Fortune 500 Clients


Guaranteed Hilarious Moments per Hour

By The Numbers


Women Coached


Raises Negotiated By Clients


Fortune 500 Clients


WIMDI Community Members


Years of Technical & Management Experience


Guaranteed Hilarious Moments per Hour

Holly is amazing! She's insightful, knowledgeable, and funny - plus she understands what it's like to be a female engineer.

- Brenda | Urban Planner -

About Holly

Holly Burton is a leadership coach for women in male-dominated industries. She worked as an engineer in the mining industry -- which is only 17% women -- for the first ten years of her career. 

Holly coaches ambitious leaders and executives to help them lead more strategically, reach new heights in their career and dismantle the patriarchy one glass ceiling at a time.

Holly has been where you've been. She's struggled to have her ideas taken seriously. She's done fantastic work that went unnoticed. She's dealt with endlessly politicking men derailing meetings. She's been called a bitch (to her face!) at every promotion.

Despite all of that, Holly's also created millions of dollars of revenue and lead crucial change management initiatives. She's gotten those hard-won promotions. And she's lead teams of technical experts and high-performers. And you will too.

About Sasha

Sasha Herman is an executive coach who specializes in helping leaders create impact. She worked at large, male-dominated utility companies in operations and organizational culture change for the first 13 years of her career.

Sasha works with Fortune 500 leaders to help them excel in high-pressure corporate environment by focusing on their emotional intelligence, relationship-building skills, and personal accountability.

Sasha's lived your story too. She got jobs she deserved but spent all her time worrying she was going to screw it up. She thought so much about people and relationships that she said yes to every project, regardless of its strategic impact. She's been told she's too much (of everything!) to be successful.

Despite all of that, Sasha's career was a wild success. She landed every job she ever applied for. She got access to the inner circle of decision makers and became the go-to person for influencing and generating buy-in for high-visibility projects. And you can too.

About Holly

Holly Burton is a leadership coach for women in male-dominated industries. She worked as an engineer in the mining industry -- which is only 17% women -- for the first ten years of her career. 

Holly coaches ambitious leaders and executives to help them lead more strategically, reach new heights in their career and dismantle the patriarchy one glass ceiling at a time.

Holly has been where you've been. She's struggled to have her ideas taken seriously. She's done fantastic work that went unnoticed. She's dealt with endlessly politicking men derailing meetings. She's been called a bitch (to her face!) at every promotion.

Despite all of that, Holly's also created millions of dollars of revenue and lead crucial change management initiatives. She's gotten those hard-won promotions. And she's lead teams of technical experts and high-performers. And you will too.

About Sasha

Sasha Herman is an executive coach who specializes in helping leaders create impact. She worked at large, male-dominated utility companies in operations and organizational culture change for the first 13 years of her career.

Sasha works with Fortune 500 leaders to help them excel in high-pressure corporate environment by focusing on their emotional intelligence, relationship-building skills, and personal accountability.

Sasha's lived your story too. She got jobs she deserved but spent all her time worrying she was going to screw it up. She thought so much about people and relationships that she said yes to every project, regardless of its strategic impact. She's been told she's too much (of everything!) to be successful.

Despite all of that, Sasha's career was a wild success. She landed every job she ever applied for. She got access to the inner circle of decision makers and became the go-to person for influencing and generating buy-in for high-visibility projects. And you can too.

Game Changers Work At

This is For You if You're...

  • Bored, Stuck & Frustrated every day doing work you're already great at
  • Full of Amazing Ideas that don't get heard and go nowhere
  • Underutilized & Underappreciated despite being a high performer
  • Ready to Be Seen as Indispensable and recognized for the value you create by your boss & colleagues
  • Tired of Being Treated Like a Honda Civic when you're a Ferrari ready to be let loose on the F1 track
  • Ready to Move Up and become a strategic leader in your organization

This is For You if You're...

  • Bored, Stuck & Frustrated every day doing work you're already great at
  • Full of Amazing Ideas that don't get heard and go nowhere
  • Underutilized & Underappreciated despite being a high performer
  • Ready to Be Seen as Indispensable and recognized for the value you create by your boss & colleagues
  • Tired of Being Treated Like a Honda Civic when you're a Ferrari ready to be let loose on the F1 track
  • Ready to Move Up and become a strategic leader in your organization

So What Kind of Results Will You Get?

- Stella | Project Manager -

Increasing My Influence

Since The Game Changing Year, I’ve increased my visibility at work.

I'm having more strategic conversations. I’m being invited into higher-level meetings. They’re assigning me to larger projects and giving me a lot more responsibility. They’re putting my name down to handle key clients because I’m taking initiative.

Now they don’t just see me as an employee, but as a leader who is committed to the company.

Owning My Ideas

Before I joined this program, I had lots of ideas, but I didn't have confidence to put my ideas forward and take ownership. I felt powerless.

In The Game Changing Year, I learned how to talk about my ideas in terms of benefit to the company, how it helps the bottom line, and how it affects reputation and risk.

I have more clarity, improved direction, and confidence because I know without a shadow of a doubt how to quantify the value that my ideas bring.

- Kristi | GIS Analyst -

- Andrea | Product Manager -

From Firefighting to Strategy

I was leading a team but I found myself constantly putting out fires because of my technical background. I hadn't made the shift into thinking like a business and working with multiple departments and leading the vision of the company. I realized I needed a bit more strategic thinking.

The Game Changing Year helped me understand the C-suite level of my company. Now I know how to articulate what I want and need, how to ask the right questions to get to full alignment, and how to pitch my ideas to the C-suite.

Showcasing My Value

Before, I was motivated and ambitious, but I wasn't confident in what I could deliver or what I was worth to a company. I always second guessed myself and held back from speaking up and offering my ideas to colleagues and clients. 

I learned how to show off my amazing ideas the right way. My manager was ecstatic and asked me to teach my new, innovative methods to the entire sales team at the company.  

They loved it and I got the credit!

- Scarlett | Sales Professional -

So What Kind of Results Will You Get?

Increasing My Influence

Since The Game Changing Year, I’ve increased my visibility at work.

I'm having more strategic conversations. I’m being invited into higher-level meetings. They’re assigning me to larger projects and giving me a lot more responsibility. They’re putting my name down to handle key clients because I’m taking initiative.

Now they don’t just see me as an employee, but as a leader who is committed to the company.

- Stella | Project Manager -

Owning My Ideas

Before I joined this program, I had lots of ideas, but I didn't have confidence to put my ideas forward and take ownership. I felt powerless.

In The Game Changing Year, I learned how to talk about my ideas in terms of benefit to the company, how it helps the bottom line, and how it affects reputation and risk.

I have more clarity, improved direction, and confidence because I know without a shadow of a doubt how to quantify the value that my ideas bring.

- Kristi | GIS Analyst -

From Firefighting to Strategy

I was leading a team but I found myself constantly putting out fires because of my technical background. I hadn't made the shift into thinking like a business and working with multiple departments and leading the vision of the company. I realized I needed a bit more strategic thinking.

The Game Changing Year helped me understand the C-suite level of my company. Now I know how to articulate what I want and need, how to ask the right questions to get to full alignment, and how to pitch my ideas to the C-suite.

- Andrea | Product Manager -

Showcasing My Value

Before, I was motivated and ambitious, but I wasn't confident in what I could deliver or what I was worth to a company. I always second guessed myself and held back from speaking up and offering my ideas to colleagues and clients. 

I learned how to show off my amazing ideas the right way. My manager was ecstatic and asked me to teach my new, innovative methods to the entire sales team at the company.  

They loved it and I got the credit!

- Scarlett | Sales Professional -

Designed to Fit Your Budget

The Game Changing year is designed to take amazing but typically expensive services -- business education & leadership coaching -- and make it available to Game Changers like you at a price that fits this stage in your career.  

The total cost of the program is $2380 (CAD), but we break it down to make it doable.

Step 1: Pay a Deposit  


before the program starts

Step 2: Monthly Payments  


on the first of every month during the program

You can join our amazing community of Game Changers, even if you don't have the support of a big-spending benefactor or a magic lamp that grants wishes.


Designed to Fit Your Budget

The Game Changing year is designed to take amazing but typically expensive services -- business education & leadership coaching -- and make it available to Game Changers like you at a price that fits this stage in your career.  

The total cost of the program is $2380 (CAD), but we break it down to make it doable.

Step 1: Pay a Deposit  


before the program starts

Step 2: Monthly Payments  


on the first of every month during the program

You can join our amazing community of Game Changers, even if you don't have the support of a big-spending benefactor or a magic lamp that grants wishes.

Or, Pssst -- Get Your Company To Pay For It!

Use some of your professional development funding at work for this program! Companies fund things like this all the time, and this program is designed to help you deliver better, more impactful work for your employers. So instead of automatically funding it out of your own wallet, make the ask to get it paid for!

Not sure where to start? Download our handy convince-your-boss script & get your company to fund your spot! 

Plus, It's Easy to Fit Into Your Life

Feel like you're playing a high-stakes game of Tetris every time you look at your calendar?

Good news: We've designed our program to fit around your work schedule -- that way you don't have to beg your boss for time away from work during peak business hours.

Here's exactly when you'll be in Game Changing Year mode:

Education Sessions

Education sessions happen four times over the course of the year -- and always on a Saturday so you can set work interruptions aside & focus fully on learning yummy new skills!


  • Saturdays
  • 10 am - 5 pm PST


  • March 29th
  • May 24th
  • September 13th
  • November 8th

Coaching Sessions

Education sessions happen every four weeks on Wednesday evenings so you can wrap up your workday and join us for a mid-week dose of Game-Changing support!


  • Wednesdays
  • 4 pm - 5:30 pm PST


  • April 2nd
  • April 30th
  • June 4th
  • July 9th
  • September 24th
  • October 22nd
  • November 19th

Kickoff & Wrap Up Sessions

We've designed two powerful 2-hour sessions to help you start and end the program on the right foot -- and cement your bonds with your fellow Game Changers!


  • Wednesdays
  • 4 pm - 6 pm PST


  • March 19th
  • December 10th


Not 100% Convinced Yet?

Great! Jeanine was on the fence, too.  

Jeanine Product Manager 

If you had asked me if I needed coaching before working with Holly, I would've said no. 

I'm strong, independent. I've got my sh*t figured out! I didn't think I needed a coach. But as soon as I saw what coaching was like and all of the potential it unlocked for me, I saw that it was silly to not invest in myself. 

And no surprise, working with Holly has allowed me to nearly double my annual income over the last two years.

Not 100% Convinced Yet?

Great! Jeanine was on the fence, too. 

Jeanine Product Manager 

If you had asked me if I needed coaching before working with Holly, I would've said no. 

I'm strong, independent. I've got my sh*t figured out! I didn't think I needed a coach. But as soon as I saw what coaching was like and all of the potential it unlocked for me, I saw that it was silly to not invest in myself. 

And no surprise, working with Holly has allowed me to nearly double my annual income over the last two years.

Make 2025 Your Game Changing Year with All the Support You Need

You'll get:

  • Business Tools & Techniques that help you influence and function at a more strategic level
  • Expert Coaching to help you and eliminate your blocks and implement all the amazing tools you learn in the program
  • An Intimate Community of high-achieving, ambitious women working beside you to improve their careers


Get Early Access


Registration opens Jan 2026

Make 2025 Your Game Changing Year with All the Support You Need

Join today and get:

  • Business Tools & Techniques that help you influence and function at a more strategic level
  • Expert Coaching to help you and eliminate your blocks and implement all the amazing tools you learn in the program
  • An Intimate Community of high-achieving, ambitious women working beside you to improve their careers


Only $210/month

Early Bird Registration
Closes Dec 13th

Make 2025 Your Game Changing Year with All the Support You Need

Join today and get:

  • Business Tools & Techniques that help you influence and function at a more strategic level
  • Expert Coaching to help you and eliminate your blocks and implement all the amazing tools you learn in the program
  • An Intimate Community of high-achieving, ambitious women working beside you to improve their careers


Only $210/month

Registration closes Feb 28th